Why is “clean living” so important?

Alex Graden
2 min readNov 8, 2021

It’s time to clean up your act by starting with your lifestyle. I’m not talking about cleaning the house or throwing out the garbage, though that can help too.

I’m talking about changing how you live for the better. A cliche, sure, but it’s true! When you start living cleaner you’ll notice that you’re healthier, more energetic, and just plain happier!

Read on to find out why clean living is worth your time.

What does “clean living” mean?

To myself and EmpowerGains.com, clean living has always meant eating nutritious food (preferably whole foods) and exercise that raises your endorphins.

I don’t just mean high-intensity exercise (although that’s the most effective form of exercise), but any bodily movements that can clear the mind, and get the blood flowing. A great example of a non-rigorous exercise that gets the blood flowing is yoga.

Yoga is a powerful tool to improve flexibility and help you become more in tune with your body. In fact, yoga has been scientifically proven to lessen depression and anxiety. It’s also fantastic after a workout to prevent muscle injury.

Check out our colorful yoga mats here.

Your goal is to find an exercise that you enjoy and can do consistently. Something that feels like a “moving meditation” for you.

Back to diet: there is no such thing as one diet for the human race. We are a diverse species, and depending on where we grew up, food can range from strange-looking bugs to funny-looking plants.

Assuming you’re NOT from a place where you eat strange-looking bugs, I’m sure you’ve heard of the mainstream diets. Ketogenic, vegan, paleo, etc… Guess what? They all work!

I’ve tried just about every diet and saw similar results in each. Currently, I like meat, but I also really like vegetables, so I decided to keep those and just add diverse flavors like curry powder.

At the end of the day, losing weight is about being a caloric deficit. If you know me, you know I’m a HUGE proponent of intermittent fasting. I’ll dive into that in another article.

Find the diet that is right for you that leads you toward a cleaner lifestyle. Don’t overthink it: Cut the crap out and get moving.

Feeling great from eating healthy wholefoods over junk food is scarily noticeable. I guarantee your productivity and mood will improve greatly. Mind sure did.

If you want help or have questions, email me at alex@empowergains.com and I’ll be happy to answer.



Alex Graden

From Tampa Bay, Florida, Alex Graden is a 22-year-old infrastructure engineer, dev, and enthusiastic technology professional. Email me: ag@alexandergraden.com